Thursday, December 17, 2009

Must you push my buttons?

You may notice – the elevator button is illuminated. That’s because I pushed it. Actually, you watched me push it. And since there is only one button, and you witnessed the selection, I’m not sure why you felt the need to push it again. Did I not push it correctly? Do you have a magic index finger that will summon the elevator more quickly? If so, is there a reason that magic finger pushed two buttons when you boarded the elevator? “Oops!” You say, as if you really didn’t realize you work on the 26th floor and not the 15th. That’s okay… I look forward to spending more time with you and your intersting mix of Hugo Boss, LeAnn Chin, and cigarette smoke as a result of your compulsive button pushing magic finger.

I have a magic finger, too. But I’m too much of a lady to use it.

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